Jason F. Clausen, P.C. provides attestation and assurance services to businesses in a variety of industries, with particular specialization in Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs). At Jason F. Clausen, P.C., we strive to meet each client's specific needs in planning for the future and achieving their goals in an ever-changing financial and regulatory environment.
Assurance and Attestation Services:
Audits offer the highest level of assurance to third parties, and include in-depth examination and confirmation of account balances, inventories, and selected transactions. We perform audits for you to remove errors, ascertaining the validity and reliability of your information.
Reviews provide limited assurance to outside interests and involve inquiries and analytical procedures that confirm financial statement matters and identify any items requiring further analysis. We perform reviews to ensure the integrity of your data.
Compilations are usually requested for internal purposes and are based upon information provided by a company's management. They do not offer assurance but may involve some adjustment to accounting records.
Other engagements
Other types of engagements of this type are usually requested as either an area of concern management, requests from our clients’ customers, or specific reporting required by governments. (i.e. Opinions on Internal Controls, Payroll Tax Auditing, etc.).
Our professional services include: