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Jason F. Clausen, P.C. provides attestation and assurance services to businesses in a variety of industries, with particular specialization in Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs). At Jason F. Clausen, P.C., we strive to meet each client's specific needs in planning for the future and achieving their goals in an ever-changing financial and regulatory environment.

Assurance and Attestation Services:

Audits offer the highest level of assurance to third parties, and include in-depth examination and confirmation of account balances, inventories, and selected transactions. We perform audits for you to remove errors, ascertaining the validity and reliability of your information.

Reviews provide limited assurance to outside interests and involve inquiries and analytical procedures that confirm financial statement matters and identify any items requiring further analysis. We perform reviews to ensure the integrity of your data.

Compilations are usually requested for internal purposes and are based upon information provided by a company's management. They do not offer assurance but may involve some adjustment to accounting records.

Other engagements
Other types of engagements of this type are usually requested as either an area of concern management, requests from our clients’ customers, or specific reporting required by governments. (i.e. Opinions on Internal Controls, Payroll Tax Auditing, etc.).

Our professional services include:

Audits of Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Organizations are often required to have annual audits in compliance with grant terms and agreements, financial arrangements, or governmental requirements. Jason F. Clausen, P.C. has a special concentration in Nonprofit Organization auditing, and has been a growing resource for nonprofit organizations located throughout the United States.

Single Audits

Does your organization receive funding from the Federal Government? If so, you may be required to have a Single Audit. A Single Audit involves not only the audit of the financial statements, but also assessments of internal control, and compliance within the requirements of Uniform Guidance. Single Audits require knowledge and experience beyond the needs for audits of traditional financial statements. Jason F. Clausen, P.C.’s audit experience in this area can serve your organization as a knowledge resource and an efficient alternative to others who may not be as familiar with Government Auditing Standards required for these types of audits.

Find out more here

Audits of Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)

Over the last several years, the number of states that are now requiring financial statements audits for Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) has increased to over 30. All signs indicate that this trend is on the rise.

PEOs are swarmed with different sets of regulation at the federal level, and at the state level, with each state being different from one another. With the many different states requiring financial statement audits, and various types of ratios in order for proper compliance, it may be difficult to keep up to date on new developments within each state.

Jason F. Clausen, CPA, has been engaged as a CPA with PEOs since 1999, both internally as a controller for a PEO family active in over 40 states, and as an auditor for PEOs with gross receipts ranging from $9 Million to $500 Million.

Given the years of experience in audit and compliance work with PEOs, we consider it a specialty of ours. If your organization is a PEO, we would like the opportunity to discuss our services with you. We serve nationwide.

Audits of Employee Benefit Plans

Generally, Federal law requires employee benefit plans with 100 or more participants to have an audit as part of their obligation to file an annual return/report (Form 5500). If your employee benefit plan is required to have an audit, one of the most important duties of the plan administrator is to hire an independent qualified public accountant. Our firm, as part of our auditing expertise, has great knowledge and specialized expertise with regard to the procedures required to perform these audits with audits of employee benefit plans.

Find out more here

Audits of Privately-Held Businesses

Private Businesses may be required to have an annual financial statement audit for a variety of reasons: lending requirements, business licenses, corporate by-laws, etc. In choosing your auditor, some of the factors may be reputation of the firm, fees expected, expertise of the auditor. Our firm is specialized in auditing services, and are familiar enough with auditing procedures that prevent us from overauditing, which is common among CPAs who may be less familiar or up to date with generally accepted auditing procedures.

Peer Reviews

Is your firm currently enrolled in the AICPA Peer Review Program? My firm performs firm-on-firm reviews. Both System Reviews and Engagement Reviews. We cover the following types of engagements:

- Audits of Nonpublic (Private) Companies

- Audits of Nonprofit Organizations

- Audits of State and Local Governments

- Audits performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book)

- Single Audits

- 401(k) Audits

- Reviews

- Compilations

- Preparations

- Agreed-Upon Procedures

- Examinations

If you are interested, please contact me. You can also find my firm listed in PRIMA.

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